Morozko Policies
Warranty Information
If anything on your Morozko breaks within your warranty period,
you're covered.
Original Forge: 2-year warranty covering manufacturing defects and malfunction.
Ice Bath & Ice Plunge: 3-year warranty covering manufacturing defects and malfunction.
Arktika, XL, Ice Barrel & PRO models: 5-year warranty covering manufacturing defects and malfunction. XL and PRO models also come with a 72-hour on-site service guarantee. If your issue can't be fixed over the phone, we will have a Morozko tech at your site within 72 hours to minimize downtime at your business.
Return Policy
If you are not ecstatic with your purchase within 30 days of taking delivery, you may return your Morozko for a refund of the purchase price, less initial shipping costs. With the exception of custom orders, there are no extraneous fees or "restocking" charges.
To read about how the Morozko warranty and return practices compare to other high-end cold plunge equipment providers, see below the 30-page report we prepared for the Cold Plunge Research Institute: