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Magnesium is Critical for Cold Thermogenesis

Writer's picture: Thomas P Seager, PhDThomas P Seager, PhD

Updated: Feb 17

Magnesium deficiency impairs metabolism

Magnesium deficiency is associated metabolic disorders.
Magnesium deficiency is associated with insulin impairment, obesity, and metabolic syndrome (Piuri et al. 2021)..


  • Magnesium deficiency is associated with physiological & psychological disorders because mitochondria depend on magnesium to catalyze hundreds of metabolic reactions.

  • Blood tests are unreliable indicators of deficiency, because less than 1% of all bodily magnesium is stored in the blood stream. Most is stored in bones.

  • During extreme cold exposure, magnesium is released from bones to the bloodstream to help power mitochondria. The more cold you dose, the more magnesium you need.

  • Diets rich in green leafy vegetables are no longer sufficient to maintain healthy magnesium levels.

  • Transdermal absorption of magnesium in Epsom salt ice baths may help meet the magnesium demands of cold thermogenesis.

Magnesium drives metabolism

Every metabolic function in the human body relies on magnesium, including energy production, protein synthesis, testosterone production, and Vitamin D (Dai et al. 2018, Reddy et al 2018). Magnesium is essential for functions in the brain, liver, kidneys, and repair of DNA. People who are deficient in magnesium are at greater risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's, major depression disorder, and a myriad of other diseases -- perhaps because magnesium plays a critical role in the function of insulin (Jahnen-Dechent 2012).

According to a group of researchers working at the National Institute of Health in Mexico, "several studies have reported that a lower magnesium intake is associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance," and "increased magnesium intake is associated with lower body mass index, (smaller) waist circumference and lower serum glucose" (Castellanos-Gutiérrez et a.l 2018). Their findings suggest that magnesium is related to metabolic dysfunction, and all of its sequelae including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

Given that the effects of magnesium deficiency are so serious, insidious, and life-threatening, you'd think that everyone who is remotely concerned about their health and well-being would be anxious to understand their magnesium balance. Yet, there is still no reliable medical test for measuring magnesium levels in the body. About 60% of total magnesium is stored in bones, with most of the rest in muscles and other cells. Only 1% of total magnesium is in the bloodstream, meaning that tests measuring blood concentrations are poor markers of magnesium sufficiency or deficiency.

For most people, maintaining sufficient levels of magnesium requires a daily intake of at least 360 mg. Green, leafy plants are the most common source, but changes in agricultural and food industry practices have stripped magnesium from the foods that used to contain abundant quantities (Workinger et al 2018).

Most modern dietary sources of magnesium have become depleted.
Calcium, iron, magnesium levels in vegetables have declined throughout the 20th century (Workinger et al. 2018).

As a consequence of these changes in agriculture and diet, most people in Western, industrialized countries fail to get the recommended daily allowance of magnesium in their diets (Barbagallo et al 2021).

Brown fat demands micronutrients

The locus of energy production in the human body is a subcellular structure called mitochondria, where oxidation of glucose, fat, protein, and ketones is controlled (Christofferson 2020). Magnesium plays a such a critical role in the mitochondria that concentrations of magnesium are about ten times higher inside the mitochondria than elsewhere in the human cell (Gout et al. 2014).

And nowhere in the body are mitochondria more densely packed than in brown fat.

Unlike white fat, which exists solely for the storage of energy in the form of fat, the principal purpose of brown fat (also called brown adipose tissue, or BAT) is to produce enough heat to keep the body warm in cold environments. The more cold exposure the human body experiences, the more brown fat the body recruits.

It may be a surprise to learn that more brown fat is associated with leaner overall body mass (Thyagarajan & Foster 2017) to such a powerful extent that clinical trials are underway to explore the possibility that brown fat may be a treatment for obesity. Because the best way to recruit new brown fat is a regular practice of deliberate cold exposure, it stands to reason that magnesium needs will be much greater in people who use ice baths or practice cold water swimming.

Cold exposure can deplete magnesium in bones.
Magnesium levels in the blood spike after acute cold exposure (Juravlyovaa et al. 2018).

In one Russian study, exposure to -70C for only 3 minutes resulted a long-lasting 5%-10% increase in magnesium concentrations in the blood (Figure 3 above, Juravlyovaa et al. 2018). Most of that magnesium was likely released from the bones, where up to one-third of the magnesium stores are available to meet immediate metabolic needs.

But what happens to the bones after they release all that magnesium? A recent study from China suggests that they may suffer a loss of strength and density. Researchers tracked bone fractures among the elderly during cold (−2C) weather events in Wuhan, China.

Freezing temperatures increased the relative risk of bone fractures in elderly (>75 yo) Chinese women over a period of several days following cold exposure -- particularly in women who have previously experienced a fracture.

Although the researchers speculate that the cause could be related to reduced Vitamin D synthesis, reduced physical activity, reduced flexibility, or increased snow & ice fall hazard conditions, none of these explanations are satisfactory. As such, we can't rule out the possibility that episodic magnesium depletion from the bones during thermogenesis can put vulnerable populations at greater risk of fracture until that magnesium is replaced.

Exposure to cold weather increased the relative risk (RR) of bone fracture among elderly Chinese women.
Exposure to cold weather increased the relative risk (RR) of bone fracture among elderly Chinese women (from Zhang et al. 2022).

Because the Chinese epidemiologists have no data on magnesium levels in the population they were monitoring for bone fractures, it's not possible to say whether supplementing with magnesium would rescue bone density in the cold. There's some evidence to suggest that it could. For example, one study of 15 young women showed that increased brown fat was associated with increased bone density. Researchers divided the subjects into three groups: 1) five women diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (AN), 2) five women recovered from AN, and 3) five healthy controls. In PET scans under during cold exposure, the healthy controls exhibited the greatest activation of brown fat and the greatest bone density in all groups (Bredella et al. 2012). Moreover, studies in mice indicate that increased levels of brown fat can protect against bone loss in the cold (Du et al. 2022)

PET scan showing activation of brown fat during cold exposure.
PET scans show activation of brown fat around the neck and clavicles (left) in a 27 year-old woman, compared to no detectable brown fat (right) in a comparable 28 year old woman (from Bredella et al. 2012).

Brown fat cells are packed with thousands of magnesium-hungry mitochondria, suggesting that bodies with adequate magnesium might be protected against cold-induced bone loss by recruiting and maintaining adequate levels of brown fat (i.e., brown adipose tissue, BAT).

These results suggest that a longer-term practice of deliberate cold exposure will require more than just a temporary release of stored magnesium from bones. That is, as your body builds up brown fat and produces new mitochondria (called mitobiogenesis), it will demand more and more magnesium to keep up with your accelerating metabolism.

Given the deficiency of magnesium in typical diets, and the necessity of magnesium for recruiting new, mitochondria-packed brown fat cells, regular cold plungers might do well to take a regular magnesium supplement.

Epsom salt ice baths promote transdermal magnesium absorption

Although I have previously indicated that some scientists are skeptical that magnesium can be absorbed through the skin, direct laboratory measurement demonstrates that magnesium ions transit human skin, and hair follicles contribute about a third of total magnesium flux (Chandrasekaran et al. 2016). Wherever studies ruling out magnesium absorption through the skin are based on blood concentrations only, they cannot be accepted as definitive. For example, if magnesium were absorbed through the skin during an Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) bath, that magnesium would likely absorb into into muscle cells, or be carried to the bones, without being detected by a blood draw.

Studies based on hair and urine samples have shown better results. For example, "the measurement of magnesium levels in urine showed a rise from the control level, mean 94.81 ± 44.26 ppm/mL to 198.93 ± 97.52 ppm/mL after the first bath. Those individuals where the blood magnesium levels were not increased had correspondingly large increases in urinary magnesium showing that the magnesium ions had crossed the skin barrier and had been excreted via the kidney, presumably because the blood levels were already optimal" (Waring 2015).

Ice bath protocols for magnesium therapy

One way to improve your deliberate cold exposure practice is to add Epsom Salts to your ice bath. We've added as much as 3lb to a 6ft Morozko ice bath with good results, and noticed that the ice that forms is softer and easier to break up, and the salt helps keep the water clean.

However, the fact that we're only our ice bath for 3-5 minutes at a time means that there isn't enough time in the plunge for transdermal absorption to take place thru the closed-up pores of our cold skin.

Here's what I do:

Towel off after an Epsom salt ice bath, but don't shower.

When I leave the salt residue on my skin, I extend the amount of time for my body to absorb the magnesium. My pores reopen as my skin rewarms, and perhaps that gives transdermal absorption more time to take place long after my ice bath is complete.

Given the essential role that magnesium plays in the metabolic functions promoted by deliberate cold exposure, any additional magnesium absorption that happens during my ice bath may enhance the benefits of my practice.

DEXA scan of man who practices ice baths daily
DEXA scan results showed I have extraordinarily high bone density.

My results have been spectacular. At the Optispan lab in Seattle WA I underwent a DEXA bone density scan to determine the extent to which my bones might have been weakened by my daily practice of extreme cold exposure. The results were surprising.

My Optispan DEXA scan measured my bone density at 1.55 g/cm^2) -- better than 99.6% of men my age.

My results support the hypothesis that Epsom salt (and a daily magnesium L-threonate supplement) in combination with a regular ice bath practice will support bone density, rather than undermine it. Those results are good indication that I'm likely to live a long, healthy life. Longevity data from a sample of nearly two thousands Swedes showed that greater bone density is associated with reduced mortality (Johansson et al. 1998).

mortality vs bone desnity
Greater bone density is associated with greater longevity (Johansson et al. 1998)

Magnesium is Medicine

One customer, a practicing physician, who is enthusiastic about his cold practice and a regular reader of my articles, wrote me to encourage others to continue their cold plunge therapy with magnesium supplementation.

This is what he said:

Magnesium has loads of health benefits. My patients note improvement in anxiety, insomnia, vertigo, headaches, blood pressure, restless leg, constipation and a litany of other ailments. Unfortunately, with the nutrient-depleted soil resulting from changing farming practices, roughly 70% of the U.S. in the lower 48 states are magnesium deficient. There are obviously different forms of magnesium based on what the goal is (magnesium threonate for brain, traacs or malate for high absorption body, and others). Of course, this is an oversimplification. I’m glad you continue to spread the good word!! - Medical Doctor (and regular reader)


  • Barbagallo M, Veronese N, Dominguez LJ. Magnesium in aging, health and diseases. Nutrients. 2021 Feb;13(2):463.

  • Bredella MA, Fazeli PK, Freedman LM, Calder G, Lee H, Rosen CJ, Klibanski A. Young women with cold-activated brown adipose tissue have higher bone mineral density and lower Pref-1 than women without brown adipose tissue: a study in women with anorexia nervosa, women recovered from anorexia nervosa, and normal-weight women. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2012 Apr 1;97(4):E584-90.

  • Castellanos-Gutiérrez A, Sánchez-Pimienta TG, Carriquiry A, da Costa TH, Ariza AC. Higher dietary magnesium intake is associated with lower body mass index, waist circumference and serum glucose in Mexican adults. Nutrition journal. 2018 Dec;17:1-8.

  • Chandrasekaran NC, Sanchez WY, Mohammed YH, Grice JE, Roberts MS, Barnard RT. Permeation of topically applied Magnesium ions through human skin is facilitated by hair follicles. Magnesium Research. 2016 Jun 1;29(2):35-42.

  • Christofferson T. 2020. Ketones, The Fourth Fuel: Warburg to Krebs to Veech, the 250 Year Journey to Find the Fountain of Youth.

  • Dai Q, Zhu X, Manson JE, Song Y, Li X, Franke AA, Costello RB, Rosanoff A, Nian H, Fan L, Murff H. Magnesium status and supplementation influence vitamin D status and metabolism: results from a randomized trial. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2018 Dec 1;108(6):1249-58.

  • Du J, He Z, Xu M, Qu X, Cui J, Zhang S, Zhang S, Li H, Yu Z. Brown Adipose tissue rescues bone loss Induced by Cold exposure. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2022 Jan 20;12:778019.

  • Gout E, Rébeillé F, Douce R, Bligny R. Interplay of Mg2+, ADP, and ATP in the cytosol and mitochondria: unravelling the role of Mg2+ in cell respiration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2014 Oct 28;111(43):E4560-7.

  • Jahnen-Dechent W, Ketteler M. Magnesium basics. Clinical kidney journal. 2012 Feb 1;5(Suppl_1):i3-14.

  • Johansson C, Black D, Johnell O, Oden A, Mellström D. Bone mineral density is a predictor of survival. Calcified tissue international. 1998 Sep;63(3):190-6.

  • Juravlyova OA, Markin AA, Kuzichkin DS, Saltuikova MM, Loginov VI, Zabolotskaya IV, Vostrikova LV. Features of human metabolic reactions under extreme cold exposure. Human physiology. 2018 May;44:330-5.

  • Reddy ST, Soman SS, Yee J. Magnesium balance and measurement. Advances in chronic kidney disease. 2018 May 1;25(3):224-9.

  • Thyagarajan B, Foster MT. Beiging of white adipose tissue as a therapeutic strategy for weight loss in humans. Hormone molecular biology and clinical investigation. 2017 Aug 28;31(2):20170016.

  • Waring RH. Report on Absorption of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) across the skin. School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK. 2010.

  • Workinger JL, Doyle RP, Bortz J. Challenges in the diagnosis of magnesium status. Nutrients. 2018 Sep 1;10(9):1202.

  • Zhang F, Zhang X, Zhou G, Zhao G, Zhu S, Zhang X, Xiang N, Zhu W. Is cold apparent temperature associated with the hospitalizations for osteoporotic fractures in the central areas of Wuhan? A time-series study. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022 Feb 23;10:835286.


About the Author

Thomas P Seager, PhD is an Associate Professor in the School of Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University. Seager co-founded the Morozko Forge ice bath company and is an expert in the use of ice baths for building metabolic and psychological resilience.


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Jan 16

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Sep 07, 2022

As usual, I have a question. After an initial 3-5 pounds of pure epson salt to the bath. How often would you add more? Or not add more? After about 3 months I haven't felt the need to change my water, it still appears nice an clean. But after that long would you add some more epson salt or not?

Replying to

Add a little more Epsom salt whenever you top off the water in your Morozko Forge. For every five gallons of water, add a little less than half a pound of Epsom salt. For example, I use an empty five gallon water cooler jug to top off the water in my Morozko. I have a 6lb bag of salt, so I pour in about 1/8th of the bag when I add water. I don't even bother to measure, because it doesn't have to be exact.


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Morozko maintains freezing cold temperatures and sanitizes your water without chlorine.  Unlike a cold tub, a cold plunge, or a cold shower, Morozko ice baths make their own ice.  Microfiltration and ozone disinfection ensure crystal-clear cold water, empowering daily cold plunge therapy practice year-round.  

Morozko is designed to support a healthy lifestyle, not diagnose, cure, or prevent specific diseases or medical conditions.  Morozko ice baths are not medical devices, and have not been evaluated by the FDA. Seek medical advice from your physician before embarking on any program of deliberate cold exposure.

This website is for education and information purposes only.  Results may vary.

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